Thursday, 13 November 2014

Front Cover Deisign Work: Masthead

These our my four main masthead fonts I liked and thought suited my target audience and house style of my masthead the most. I have chosen to call my magazine Listen look love it because its alliteration and eye catching.

This font is called "Tekton Pro" I have liked this font because it stands out and catches the eye well. Also its san-serif and bubbly therefore would suit my targets mode of address. The style of the font connotes entertainment and joy, it also connotes that the magazine is not serious. The colours are bright and bubbly like the house style that I want to portray throughout my magazine, they also contrast well together and the blue under layer really makes it stand out. This is good and would be a good potential masthead. My feedback on my masthead this is a very good masthead and would be suitable.

The font of this potential masthead is "Gill Sans Ultra Bold" I liked this because its interesting and unique. The style of this masthead connotes entertainment and funkiness. The bright pink under layer really makes it stand out as a masthead. Although I think I have to much black in the masthead for it to suit the house style I am trying to portray. My feed back on masthead said that the font of this potential masthead wasn't appropriate to a pop magazine and the colours weren't appropriate to. Therefore this masthead is not the right sort I am looking for.

The Font of this is called "Arial Rounded MT Bold" This is my personal favourite font out of all my potential mastheads. This masthead connotes simpality, entertainment and enjoyment. The style of this masthead suits the house style I am going to portray throughout my magazine. Also it suitable for any age it still looks professional and sophisticated. I like the bright pink in the middle, but my feedback told me that the black outer line is to harsh and doesn't contrast right with the pink to be suitable for a pop magazine masthead.
The don't of my final potential masthead is "Arial Rounded MT Bold" This is the same font as the one above but I've portrayed it in another way. The style if this font connotes bubbly entertainment and youthfulness. The bright pink is a good colour to use and this font style would suit the pop music genre. My feedback told me that just the pink with no colours in the middle isn't very effective and doesn't stand out as a masthead.                    

The masthead I have chosen:

After analysing all my potential mastheads and reading into all the feedback my peers gave me I have decided to put two of the fonts together to make the ,masthead I am going to use. I am going to use the font "Arial Rounded MT Bold"  because I like the style of it and how it connotes entertainment and professionalism at the same time. Then I used the colour scheme for the first potential masthead because my feedback said the colours contrasted well together and stood out.  Its the perfect font to fit in with the pop genre and my age group im targeting.

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