Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Experimentation of the Name of Magazine/Mode of Address

Mode of Address:

The focus group all agree the best way to connect to students is to use informal language. Make the whole magazine chilled, relaxed and easy to understand. Another way to really connect to the student readers and make them enjoy reading your magazine is to address them, use the word "you" a lot so it makes the students feel like you've written the magazine just for them. This will make the magazine really effective.

Name of Magazine:
I have chosen to make the name of my magazine "Student Escape" I have chosen this name because the focus group I interviewed said using the word student in the name catches there eyes more so there more likely to read the magazine.Also I have added the word escape on the end of student, this is because students work all day and if they spend there money on a magazine they want it to be fun and entertaining not more work related. Therefor the word escape makes it sound like students can escape and have a chilled out entertaining time reading my magazine.

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