Name of magazine:
- Students guidebook- Gives the idea that this magazine will help you and give you advice to being a students.
- How to survive student life- This also gives you the idea the information inside will be helpful for your student times.
- Students escape- This makes the magazine seem lay back and a bit of a escape from work and being serious, like this magazine is going to be fun and entertaining for students to read in there spear time.
- College life- This just makes students think it going to be a overview of college and what not to do and what to do.
- SSL - stands for Survive student life- This name also would make the students feel like its going to help them through there student life.
House Style:
The house style of my magazine will include consistency and continuity. I will use the same colour scheme through out. I have chosen that the best colour scheme that would appeal to students is bright bubbly colours, this is because they are eye-catching and also make the magazine look fun, entertaining and worth reading. I will also incorporate colours which will appeal to female and male so my magazine appeals to both. I will use a minimum of different types of fonts, this is so its consistent and looks professional. I will use a San-serif font so its easy for the student to read and understand. I will use the same font for all my main text but a different yet similar font for my headings, this is so the headings are easy to spot so you can follow and understand the magazine more. Although the Masthead will feature a unique font which will stand out from the others, so its eye-catching.
Colour Palette:
Mode of Address/ use of language:
I will make the whole of my magazine informal. I will use slang and text talk to really communicate to my target audience, I will write my magazine in a way they will understand easily so its not a challenge to read the magazine but a relaxing entertaining magazine student want to read. i will use images that will connect to students and make them interested to read more into the magazine. also i will have advertisement in my magazine with will relate to students. I will use the word "you" a lot so the reader feels like the ,magazine is addressing them, so the students feel connected.
Central image:
The central image on the front of my magazine must really communicate to my target audience and really grab there attention. The central image will make the decision whether the student is going to read it or not. The central image must be something that connects to students. The central image will be the back ground of my front page so it must be eye-catching
Some ideas of what subject I might use as my central image:
- Festival picture- someone enjoying them self at a festival because student love going to festivals.
- Sport- Most student (although I am not one) love to do sports and sports really catches there eyes.
- Students- Student having fun and doing something exciting will catch there eye because it shows clearly who the target audience is.
- Celebrities- If the central image is a celebrity that all students love it may make them read into the magazine more
Font Style:
My Magazine will be consistent of all things student related, including images and subjects that connect to students. I will make the content of my magazine all informal so its fun to read and not to heavy.
Content will include:
- Adverts- for make up and clothes eg stuff that students would want,
- Free give away contests- like winning free festival tickets
- Articles- on the goss of celebrities, how to survive as a student, fashion for college and new opportunities which will occur eg..
- Chart information- on books, films, music. so the magazine entertains students
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